Richmond Dept. of Community Graphics - 2020-Present

This handmade bike-trailer projection booth is a traveling service of The Richmond Department of Community Graphics: a fictitious department of city government, inspired by the the WPA federal Artist Project, and Puerto Rico’s Divedco- both of which mobilized artists in service of their communities during times of cultural crisis. The projection booth is designed to present experimental, multimedia Public Service Announcements. The trailer is constructed entirely of found, repurposed, and/or second-hand materials.

Woodworking, analog projection, sound


The RDCG debuted at Inlight 2020 with a reel of 3 experimental PSAs illuminating different facets of the mounting climate and ecological crisis. These multimedia lamentations combined hard scientific data with ambient sound and field recording, expressive imagery, and poetic reflections to demonstrate how the ecological crisis is impacting and will continue to impact Richmond.

Public performances and new PSAs are still being produced.